World Earth Day

Topic of Happy Home Club, April 22, 2009:

Speech on Science Popularization Activity on the 40th World Earth Day 


Ladies and Gentlemen, Citizens of Suzhou, Good afternoon!


Today is the 40thWorld Earth Day, I am very glad to be invited by Suzhou Association of Science and Technology to participate in the science popularization activity.

今天是第40个世界地球日。 我十分荣幸地受苏州市科协的邀请参加今天的科普活动。

First of all, please allow me, on behalf of all the foreign friends in Suzhou, to express a warm congratulation to the successful opening of the activity!


World Earth Day is an international day launched forty years ago and it marks the beginning of environmental protection in modern history of mankind. Since then, World Earth Day has been playing a very important role in the stipulation of environmental law, in the foundation of government institution of environmental protection, in the establishment of international organizations such as International Green Peace Organization and Environmental Planning Department of the United Nations.

世界地球日一个国际性的节日,它开始于40年前,地球日的出现标志着人类现代历史上对环境保护的开始。 从那以后,地球日在许多方面都起着非常重要的作用,比如:在各国环保法律的制定、在政府环保部门的建立、在国际绿色和平组织以及联合国环境规划署等国际组织的成立等等。

Today, around the globe we are well aware of the environmental problems such as the deterioration of ecosystem, the extinction of bio-species, damage to the ozone layer, the “green-house effect”, acid rain and desertification, which have posed a serious threat to mankind as well as to other creatures.


Knowing all these problems can we still remain passive and let things continue as before?? No way! It is time for immediate actions!

在知道了人们所面临的这些环境问题之后,我们还能袖手旁观、对这些环境问题听之任之吗? 绝对不能!我们应该马上行动起来!

I believe we need to focus on the following two major areas of activities:

  1. Grass-root actions
  2. International cooperation

Today, I would like to mainly talk about Grass-root actions.

我认为我们应当主要在以下两个方面采取行动: 一是基础性的行动;二是国际性的合作。今天我主要谈谈基础性的行动。

Grass root actions mean that environmental issues are a matter of attitude; therefore we need to create the right attitude in each individual. The corner stone in building the right attitude is to create love and caring among all the people of the world. “One world, one Family”. Beijing Olympics was a wonderful example to raise awareness that we are all like one Family!! Now we need to cultivate this thought in every one’s heart and once this is done we can be sure that because of that love our conscious will not allow us to do harm to others by destroying our environment.


Environmental problems are mainly due to mankind’s self-centeredness, which is caused by lack of love and care for others and for future generation!


How can we cultivate love?? Through material competition and strive for excessive wealth and power?? Or through moral education and character building??

那么,我们怎样才能培养爱心呢? 是通过对物质财富和权力的追求还是通过对良好道德的培养和品格的塑造呢?

Moral education starts in the family when the baby is born and continues all throughout the educational institutions and the media. Therefore, parents carry the highest responsibilities in this respect!


The challenge of dealing with Environmental problems is today more than ever before a global challenge and it needs immediate actions for sustainable development both at local and global level. According to the International Chamber of Commerce ICC “sustainable development involves meeting the needs of present without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs…”


Our Earth is the greatest gift from our creator to us!! Could we destroy the gift, which someone has given to us?


Dear friends, let’s work together as one family to protect our Earth and to show our appreciation for this wonderful gift!!  Xie Xie!!




Zekro Alfatuni
Famous Foreign Friend
Image Representative of Suzhou
Visiting Professor of Suzhou University
Quality  Expert

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