The Magic Benefits of Drumming

If you think drumming means making noise, you are wrong!!  We are talking about  djembe drumming using gentle hands, which can give you a peaceful and happy feeling.

Here are some of the many benefits of drumming, which I want to share with you!!

–  Stress causes 98% of all disease!! After a busy day drumming helps you forget your troubles and thus relief your stress.

–  For all the parents with hyper active kids, drumming just can be the solution to bringing back the focus in your young ones. This way also kids can use their energy in the right way!

–  Drumming teaches you the basic rhythm skills you need to learn, no matter what kind of musical instrument you may choose to learn later.

–  Drumming is a physical activity! Research shows that the cardio muscles of drummers are much more developed than of non-drummers.

–  It is proven that drumming boosts the immune system. Group drumming actually increases cancer-killing cells, which helps the body fight cancer and other viruses.

–  Drumming causes you to release endorphins in the brain, which in turn produces feelings of well-being.

–  Drumming brings a balance between the physical and mental aspects of your life.

–  The Mental benefit is that when playing a beat, drummers use every part of their mind to have the right beat at the right time!!  For the younger kids, this helps to develop fundamental skills in channeling their mind, and improve their focusing ability. My both children studied playing music and drumming and were one of the best students in their class.

–  When you learn drumming you can basically accompany any other instruments!! And since music is a universal language you can make lot of friends and have lot of fun.

–  Djembe drumming has been used as a therapeutic rhythm technique in West African cultures for centuries. I believe this applies to our modern society as well

– I would strongly suggest drumming to every one and in particular to parents with kids of any type. It helps shape their personality by teaching them some fundamental life skills, make friends and above all let them stay happy.

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